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Work From Home Tips From our Insta Community

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Struggling to acclimatise to working from home (WFH)? We turned to our Insta community last week to collate some of your top tips to survive WFH for a prolonged period of time. You guys came up with some great ideas and we’ve pulled together some of our favourites below. Please share any other tips with us over on insta!

Start the day with an at home workout or fun dance
No pressure to suddenly become a fitness influencer but moving in the morning does make a difference. We’re enjoying yoga, Barry’s Bootcamp live, or join Joe Wicks morning PE sessions.

Sports bra and Leggings for life! But also, get up, make your bed, clean your face
Get out of bed for your own sanity and don’t let your cleansing routine slip just because you’re not going out.

Done a full face of makeup and put on a semi nice outfit
There is definitely some good in getting ready for the day, it makes it feel more like you’re going to work. We’re fans of the getting dressed from the waist up tactic, so to your team you look all smart. Not sure what people wfh in jeans are trying to prove, leggings or trackies are non-negotiable.

Video call a colleague so you don’t feel alone
We’ve been using Houseparty for our catch ups and scheduling team video “tea at three” so we can catch up and see each other. We hear you that video is extra effort but being able to see the person makes the world of difference.

Try to stick to your normal routine! Go for a walk, shower, have a coffee
Routine is your best friend when everything else feels a little unpredictable, helping it to feel more like a normal working day.

How do you stay sane wfh with a bf/partner/husband?
Try separate your working areas if you have the luxury of a bit of space. Spend quality time with each other outside of working hours that isn’t just switching on Netflix – take up chess, play cards, use your allotted exercise time together.

Tidy up your workspace before, during and after your work day
As most of us don’t have the luxury of multiple rooms and home offices, keeping your allocated workspace clean and clutter-free can help stop things starting to feel a bit claustrophobic. Tidying at the end of the day makes it easier to go back to your desk the next day!

A cut off time, putting all screens into another room
Signify the start of your evening and switch off by giving yourself a set time to finish work for the day. Mark this by putting screens that you don’t need that evening out of reach.

Treat yo’self to some wine and choc at the end of the day
Be kind to yourself. It’s a weird and uncertain time so seek comfort in whatever it is that will make you feel good, without guilt.